“Topical Matters,” failbetter, September 2025
“Days of Smut,” self-published, June 2024
“Spike,” Bending Genres, February 4, 2020
“Necking Team Button,” HiLobrow, January 3, 2019
"God Hates Porn/Porn Hates God" and "Praying for Kali," Ghost Town Literary Magazine, August 2018
"The Flesh Eaters," Construction, June 2018
"Storm Clouds Over the State of Louisiana," Contrary Magazine, November 2016.
"Dash 2," PANK Magazine, June 2015
"The Urologist," Clackamas Literary Review, May 2015
"The Tumor," self-published, March 11, 2015
"Sex in the City, 1981," NYC, 1981, January 17, 2015
"The Fetish Alphabet," 3:AM Magazine, January 7, 2015
"30 Days of Fiction," self-published, December 22, 2014
"Famous Not Famous," self-published, August 9, 2014
"The Shrink Convention," self-published, January 27, 2014
"The Boy Who Wore His Heart On His Sleeve," A Shaded View on Fashion Fiction, May 8, 2010
"Necking Team Button," Significant Objects, July 9, 2009
"What She Was Trying to Say," 2GQ, July 6, 2007
"O Is For Octopus," Hobart, March 12, 2006
"Gangbang Tango," Word Riot, September 1, 2005
"She Is A Girl," Maisonneuve, May 13, 2005
"M Is For Melissophilia," Sycamore Review, January 1, 2005
"H Is For Hardcore," Elimae, April 9, 2004
"Things In New Orleans That I Should Be Writing About," Pindeldyboz, March 2, 2004
"The First Time She Died While Having Sex," Nerve, January 28, 2004
"C Is For Conjoined Twins," Born Magazine, November 19, 2003
"Apologies, From The Sabines," Opium Magazine, October 20, 2003
"You're A Bad Man, Aren't You?", Exquisite Corpse, October 1, 2003
"13 Sentence Selections From The Online Journal Of A Famous Gay Porn Star," Eyeshot, April 10, 2003
"After She Left," In Posse, October 7, 2002
"Hey Doll,” Nerve, July 8, 2002