Porn awards, Las Vegas, NV / Photo credit: Susannah Breslin
This is my new digital home. Here, you can find out more about me, read my frequently updated blog, check out my work, and read what others are saying about me.
I built this site using Squarespace 6. I had never built a website before and didn't think I could do it. But my friend Clayton Cubitt, who took the photo of me that appears on every page of this site, said I could do it, and he was right.
I picked Aviator because it looked clean, dramatic, and big. The best way to describe how I designed the front page is to say I messed around with it until it looked right. It was the art of subtraction, not addition.
After that, the next big task was putting together the WORK page and its subpages: PROJECTS, JOURNALISM, FICTION, PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO, and BOOKS. Previously, everything I'd done had been spread all over the web. This was a way to bring everything I'd done together.
What I'm really excited about is what comes next. This is where you'll find original, self-published long-form journalism from me, and some other surprises. I've got a really interesting story in the works that I'm really excited about sharing with you.
Several years ago, I self-published "They Shoot Porn Stars, Don't They?", and it was a terrific success. I'm more proud of that self-published piece than I am of anything else I've done as a journalist. Everything interesting I've done in my career was done outside of the system. I want to do more of that, and I'll be doing it here.
I've been called an extreme journalist, and that's what you can expect: the stories the glossy magazines turned up their noses at, the stories I want to tell, the stories you want to read.
Fuck the middleman, fuck asking for permission, fuck selling your work for lousy pay because someone with a big name or a big brand gave you the OK.
In the words of Alexis Madrigal:
"I mean, there is absolutely nothing stopping any of us from spending three months with a subject and writing the definitive 10k word piece proving why they are important and fascinating. Except Homeland, bourbon, and laziness. So, shit, write a profile about a lazy alcoholic who watches too much TV. BOOM. Problem solved."
The biggest thanks I've got to Clayton Cubitt. He shot the photo that led to this site. He helped me put it all together. He inspired me to own my shit instead of giving it away.
Now let's do this.