I'm Thinking About Investigative Journalism
Image via WomenYeah
As of late, I’ve had the opportunity to immerse myself in investigative journalism, and I have a few takeaways.
Investigative journalism is a boy’s club.
It is the responsibility of the men who run it to include women in it.
FOIAs are overrated.
Voice, storytelling, and serendipitous reporting are more important.
There isn’t one way to do it. There’s your way to do it.
People of color are excluded from it by the white men who run it.
You’re not a savior. You’re a reporter.
It isn’t easy.
Learn the tools and keep them in your toolbox.
If you can’t get in the front door, climb in a window.
Buy "The Tumor" — my short story that’s been called "a masterpiece of short fiction."