Filtering by Tag: BARBIE

Photojournalist Barbie


Did you know Mattel makes a photojournalist Barbie? You can buy her on Amazon for $12.

She comes with a lion cub, a camera, and a National Geographic. She’s dressed for the “field wearing brown pants, tan boots and a top detailed with a vest, insignia and pocket for a realistic touch.”

She has over 300 reviews and five stars. But there’s one catch. From the reviews: “Only thing that kept it from a 5-star review was that I expected the legs to bend but they do not. Straight arms straight legs.”

Must be hard to take those shots without bending your arms and legs, Barbie.

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Tall AF

4 Likes, 1 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "all your friends short af 😂👑💅🏻 #tallgirlproblems #tallgirls #tallbarbie #tall #sixone..."

Check out my Instagram for the latest installment of my #tallgirlproblems series. 

Tally the Tall

8 Likes, 2 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "tfw it takes you an hour to shave your legs 🤡👑💅🏻🛀🏻🦄 #tallgirlproblems #tallgirls #tallgirl..."

This is the latest installment from my Instagram art series featuring Tally the "Tall"-sized Barbie. (Really. That's how she is billed on the packaging.) Here, she is lamenting how long it takes to shave her long legs. Truth! I should've taken off her clothes and put her in the tub. Next time, I'll do better. 

More Tall Girl Problems

3 Likes, 1 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "tfw you try on a full length gown 😭😡🤢👑🔥☄️💥🥃💣💊🕳 #tallgirls #tallbarbie #tallgirlproblems #sixone..."

On my Instagram feed, I'm exploring #tallgirlproblems with my #tallbarbie from Mattel's Barbie Fashionistas line. In this installment, Tally demonstrates what it's like when you try on a full-length gown and it doesn't even reach your knees. How will she get through prom? And who the fuck is tall enough to be her date?


1 Likes, 2 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "tfw you order shoes online 😡👠⁉️💥😪 #tallgirls #tallbarbie #tallgirlproblems #barbie..."

I recently bought one of Mattel's Barbie Fashionistas. They come in petite, curvy, and tall. (Oh, and original-sized.) I bought tall, because I'm six-one. I thought I might experiment with exploring some #tallgirlproblems through the adventures of my #tallbarbie on Instagram. You can follow my exploits -- or should I say Tally's exploits, for that's her name, on my Instagram feed. Future installments could include having to get short people stuff from high shelves, dating when you're the height of a giraffe, and never being able to find pants that are long enough to cover your ankles. When you've got #tallgirlproblems, everything's a stretch.