Filtering by Tag: WOMEN


I know that you are only a journalist. I am also aware that you know quite a bit about the porn industry. I am young and eventually want to get into the porn bussiness and I feel that you can help me with that, I figured since you're well educated in all that topic. I've read a few of your articles and i'm impressed and convinced that you will be able to help or guide me. I am also very serious about this, to me sex is passionate and more than just sex. Its love making, I love being with women, holding them, getting along with them and just talking with them. In my opinion sex is an art and something I have yet to perfect. To me, women are amazing, fun, and unique human beings. With your knowledge, what advice can you give me or tips in order to get one step closer? Again I'm aware you're a journalist and there's not much you can do besides give me advice. Anything will help. I mainly want to know how to get started or how to get there, or even how to come in contact with people in the bussiness, if that's possible.... please, if you can write back, it would help lots.

-thank you <3


Hi Susannah,

I am a 25 year old straight man from [redacted], Turkey. Last year I graduated from the best college of Turkey which is called [redacted] from the department of [redacted]. i have a very athletic body and I feed myself really well. i can speak English fluently since I worked in [redacted] for a [redacted] company as an intern for a year. All my life within 25 years, i had uncountable number of girl friends and I enjoy sexuality so much. i am like a sex machine who can have sex with at least 10 women a day who loves women only(I am straight). i have always wanted to become a porn star because I believe that I would be very happy and perform in porn scenes, movies with a a great pleasure. i have a really good education, so i can achieve good things in my [redacted] career, however i do not want to do any other job than working as a porn actor. I love women and I love sex. Could you give me some information about how i can become a porn actor? Thanks in advance...