Only Lovers
"Only Lovers Left Alive." Very strange. Very beautiful. Jim Jarmusch sinks his teeth into the vampire movie genre and comes up with a mouthful of meditations on celebrity, family, and creativity. Starring Tilda Swinton as the HVIC Eve and Tom Hiddleston as the moody rock star Adam who looks great with his shirt gaping open at all times. Brief appearances by Mia Wasikowska as the petulant faux daughter, Jeffrey Wright as their twitchy blood drug supplier, and John Hurt as some kind of godfather. What would it be like to be married forever? Pretty fun, it seems. There are lovely plays with names (I loved the passports especially). It's not all show, though. My favorite scene is when the trio makes a rare trek out to a local Detroit nightclub, and Adam witnesses how the mortal zombies dance when his track plays. It's hypnotic and perfectly captures a piece of the tortured artist's existence: That he must isolate to create but in doing so cuts himself off from the world that spawned his art. Everyone is impeccably outfitted. I demand a sequel.