30 Days of Fiction, Day #25: The Blackest List
via Groveland Park
(Inspired by a 30-day yoga challenge at my yoga studio, I'm writing 30 flash fictions in 30 days. One a day. 100 words or less. Time limit: 15 minutes. You can read all of them here.)
Marrying the producer was a terrible mistake, the screenwriter decided, wiping the baby's ass. The baby kicked and peed, fussing and rashy. The screenwriter could hear the producer in the kitchen, her strident voice screaming at someone about something. She was a harpy of the highest order, the gnat in his brain. She seemed to have a keen sense of understanding when his brain wanted to form a thought. She wanted to interrupt it. Her heels clicked toward him down the hallway.
Time: 5 minutes
Word count: 82 words