Forbes Blog Monthly Stats #2
You can read Forbes Blog Monthly Stats #1 here.
The month of June was a real fail whale of a month for my Forbes blog. In May, my total monthly visitors was 98,340. In June, it was 62,925. Shakira's hips don't lie, and neither do those numbers. What went wrong? Let's discuss.
In my last post, I wrote: "In June, I'm aiming to post five times a week, as a way of building my traffic." Instead of doing so, I posted a grand total of seven times out of a possible twenty-two times. Simply put, when the initial posts I wrote didn't "pop," traffic-wise, I got frustrated and wandered off in another direction. Another reason this didn't "work" is that "quality over quantity" is probably the better mantra here, not "quantity over quality." Most of the posts I wrote got crap traffic. The one that got the most traffic was one about Trophy Wife Barbie, which was fun to do.
Of course, one can always look for things to blame. Blogging is slower in the summer! My mojo was off! I was too busy working on my book proposal! And yet when one blogs, one has no one to blame but oneself, and so I shall bear the burden of my blogging failure.
Image via Ironing Board Collective
A couple days ago, I put together a short list of five posts that I thought could do well traffic-wise. More "interesting ideas" than "churn and burn." The first of those posts will run next week. I think it will be a good one.
Let's hope for a better performance in July.
Final monthly stats:
Pageviews: 80,648
Total Monthly Visitors: 62,925
One-time Visitors: 60,673
Repeat Visitors: 2,252
Comments: 18
Posts: 7
Current Recency Score: for some reason my recency score isn't appearing on my dashboard
So come back next month and see if I can get quality over quantity to get this thing going again.