Samantha Saint, Las Vegas, NV / Photo credit: Susannah Breslin
"Dear Ms. Breslin:
I recently watched a late night news broadcast about the porn industry and decided to search the internet for a different perspective. That’s where I read your story about your time on the sets in the Valley. Like a lot of American men I have seen my share of porn. Your piece about the industry really got me to take a hard look at myself. I don’t think that I ever gave a second thought to who the women are and where they come from. As a father I was moved by your story and just wanted to share that with you. I have a daughter and it would kill me if she ever felt like porn was all she could do to pay the bills. I will never look at the actors in the same way again You are one hell of a writer. Prior to the internet search I was unaware of who you are.
Good luck to you in the future.