Meet Stuart

Over on my most recent newsletter, I shared the first paragraph of a short story I’m writing. The working title of the story is “Van Nuys,” the main character is in his sixties and named Stuart, and the tale takes place in the San Fernando Valley. Suffice to say, the adult movie industry makes an appearance. For fun, I made the above eight AI images of a hypothetical Stuart with Meta AI on Instagram by plugging in various word prompts.

Here’s the excerpt:

Stuart should have known something would happen that day when he opened the door in the morning to retrieve the newspaper and noticed a religious tract had been left on the porch. He bent over, winced due to the pain in his back, and scooped up the pamphlet. What is the Mark of the BEAST, read the cover. All the words were white except for the last word that was red. The message was superimposed over a stormy sky from which a bolt of lightning was reaching down to strike a half the Vatican and half the U.S. Capitol building.

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