The Reverse Cowgirl Is Back!
Illustration by Chris Bishop
In 2002, I launched what became an iconic blog: The Reverse Cowgirl. Now it’s back, as a Substack newsletter: The Reverse Cowgirl. Don’t forget to subscribe!
The RCB, as I referred to it, had what could be described as a prurient focus—after all, its tagline was: “in which a writer attempts to justify the enormity of her porn collection”—but it was also, as I write here, a way for me, a writer, to “share my crazy life working the sex and porn beat, from Porn Valley to the Playboy Mansion, and I was intoxicated by the opportunity that sex blogging afforded me: an uncensored venue where I could write and express whatever I wanted—without censorship.”
Read the rest and subscribe here.
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