I Get Email (You Will Die Soon Bitch)
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Since I have been writing about porn industry for nearly 30 years, I get emails from people who are trying to break into the porn business. The emails are always from men. Mostly these men aspire to be porn stars. (I would estimate I have received hundreds of those. [Scratch that. According to this 2016 post, at that time I had received approximately 700 emails from men wanting to be porn stars. That means by now that number must be over a thousand.]) Today’s query is from a guy who thinks I am a porn editor (like I edit porn movies) and wants to know how he, too, can become a porn editor. I am not, and I cannot help you with that, bro.
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Two or three times a week, I get an email from someone somewhere in the world who wants to be a male porn star. I don’t respond. My advice? Pick another profession. The woodsman’s job isn’t an easy one. He must get it up and get it off on command while a semicircle of bored male crew members and the camera watch him. God forbid he should have “wood problems,” as it’s known in the business—he might never work again. On top of the pressure, the pay isn’t that great. In this line of work, his female costar is likely making more than he is.
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Hello Ms. Breslin,
I just finished reading your blog (I know I’m three years late), and I too thought I was the only one who didn’t enjoy the new Wonder Woman movie. I wholeheartedly agree that her character is extremely lacking in dimension, and I find the plot tiresome and predictable. However, I disagree with something you said in the post, though I may be misinterpreting your meaning. To quote you directly, you wrote “I get it. I'm not supposed to expect that from a superhero movie. Wonder Woman is a cartoon. She is a caricature. She is by her very nature not complex. Literally, she is flat, two-dimensional, nothing more than a symbol.” but I think this may be too harsh a judgement of the superhero genre. Despite the fact that women in early comics were incredibly one dimensional, I think the superhero genre has grown in leaps and bounds over the decades, but continues to be overlooked and discredited by most serious critics, and honestly most adults in general. Wonder Woman and other early woman heroines may have begun as, like you say, caricatures of women and as heroes, but I believe that this is no longer the case, and it is only the result of poor writing that casts them in this light. The writers of this screenplay chose to tell a bland, dimensionless story, when they could have followed the lead of modern comic writers and created a strong and inspiring narrative based around a well rounded character. Please don’t discredit her character completely, as she has much potential that is being wasted on cheap, make-a-buck writing tactics.
Sincerely, [redacted]
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