Body Parts
I took this photo in Burbank on Magnolia Boulevard. For more of my photographs, follow me on Instagram.
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I took this photo in Burbank on Magnolia Boulevard. For more of my photographs, follow me on Instagram.
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Behold: “Footsi.” It’s an amazing black and white video by artist Pat Oleszko. It stars a pair of mini-Mary Janes-clad fingers exploring the world. [via NYT]
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From left to right:
A woman at an adult convention in Rosemead, IL
Attendees at the AVN Awards in Las Vegas, NV
A porn star at an adult convention in Las Vegas, NV
(All photos by me.)
I’m a writer and consultant. Subscribe to my newsletter.
I've been doing more pilates lately. It seems to do all good things. I'm standing up straighter. My muscles are longer. And I'm working on getting my alignment realigned. It's certainly a curious practice, and I can't say I understand how it works, but you might want to try it if you haven't. You can start by going to a mat pilates class. It will tone up your core in no time flat. Promise.
Men's Health has a list of super-freaky Valentine's Day gift ideas.
Image credit: KISS FM
"Yes, believe it or not, chocolate anuses are a real thing that you can actually buy for somebody you care about this Valentine's Day. We're not sure why you would want to, but it's a plan B if you've already perused the selections in our Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Her and you keep thinking, 'Not anusy enough.'"
Don't miss the WSJ's hard-hitting expose of poop advertising: "Ads for Bathroom Products Flush with Potty Humor." (FLUSH. GET IT??)
Toilet cleaner companies used to "scare consumers about the dangers lurking beneath their bottoms," but the power to ass-terrorize waned over time.
One toilet cleaner company decided to target women and created "ads featuring four shirtless, studly crooners gyrating in cages resembling the product’s apparatus and belting out, 'Flush it, baby, flush it.'" Using sex to sell toilet cleaner. Will wonders never cease?
A lady suit in the toilet biz says, "We wanted to make women understand that toilet cleaning, this chore, is not necessarily terrible." Clearly, she's never leaned in to a toilet with a brush in her hand.
Personally, I'm a fan of this campaign:
"Dallas-based Poo-Pourri, which makes air fresheners, took the cheekiness to another level with ads called 'Girls Don’t Poop.' They feature a well-dressed woman sitting on a toilet speaking in a posh British accent about her bowel movements."
Because of course! 30M YouTube views can't be wrong.
Apparently, "Sesame Street" has a puppet that talks about toilet stuff.
And then there's Mr. Toilet and the WTO:
"The World Toilet Organization is a Singapore-based nonprofit that works to improve sanitation conditions world-wide. Founder Jack Sim, who proudly calls himself Mr. Toilet, says toilet-care companies’ new approach is making it easier to talk about sanitation and raise awareness world-wide. 'Toilet humor is the only strategy that works.'"
Image credit: ET
Look, a plus-sized model, Ashley Graham, is featured in an ad in Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue. Everyone is excited.
"'I know my curves are sexy and I want everyone else to know that theirs are too. There is no reason to hide and every reason to flaunt,' Graham says in a statement," reports everybody.
Girl looks good. Thick is the new thin.
Are you 5'4"? Do you weigh 130 pounds? Are your measurements 32C-27-35? If so, Britney Spears wants you! To be her body double.
"The ad also states candidates must be female, between the ages of 21 to 33 and caucasian."
According to MediaTakeOut, "Houston Men Are Getting GIGANTIC BOOTY IMPLANTS ... So That They Look Like NICKI MINAJ!!" Behold, the male mega-booty trend.
A new trend is emerging amongst gay men in Houston - BOOTY IMPLANTS. We're not talking about TRANSGENDERED folk either . . . men with implants is apparently the new style out chea!!
Peep one man showing off the new trend on his Instagram page. Dude got CAKE!!
An MTO commenter adds this behind-the-scenes report:
Yea ive seen before and after man real talk dude *** himself up iwas floored because it makes you wonder what was the point of no return or the little voice that said "ok this is enough" As long as hes cool with it idk why others are tripn... He said he isnt changing i almost passed out when I asked him lol It all started with him tryna please his ex who actually funded the earlier procedure so i guess he went overboard...
Another commenter IDs him as Sir-Omi Lieurance. On YouTube: "This is me. This is my body." In another video, he declines to explain how his butt came to be: "What I did to my body, if I did anything, is not anybody's business." According to his Facebook, he lives in Atlanta.
From Supreme, the Piss Face Zip-Up in black, $138. Notes The New Yorker:
This season, Supreme is selling a zip-up hoodie with a quotation, attributed to the skateboarder Mark Gonzales, that reads, in bright letters across the back, “I’ve never wanted to piss on someones face more than I want to piss on yours.” Many of Supreme’s items sell out online within seconds of going on sale, but the “Piss Face Zip-Up” has not sold out in any color after weeks on the Web site. “I didn’t stock any,” Peter explained. (Perhaps Peter miscalculated—mysteriously, the Piss Face Zip-Up, which costs a hundred and thirty-eight dollars, is sold out in blue in Japan, where it costs two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty cents.)
Porn convention, Rosemont, IL / Photo credit: Susannah Breslin
If you know my photography, you know I'm a fan of mannequins. Today's New York Times has a story on how mannequins in Venezuela are extra curvy. The ideal Venezuelan body shape is Jessica Rabbit-esque and influenced by a culture that is deeply into plastic surgery.
Each day, Yaritza Molina arranges several mannequins at the entrance to the small clothing shop she manages in Coro, a city in western Venezuela, always careful to place two ahead of the others. “These are the princesses,” she said, “because they have the best bust.”
“I have lots of clients that come here and say, ‘I want to look like that mannequin,’ ” Ms. Molina said. “I tell them, ‘O.K., then get an operation.’”
This trend is mirrored in America in the African-American community, where you see MediaTakeOut stars like Nicki Minaj and Blac Chyna sporting the same crazy shape.